
Over 200 Biotech Enterprises Take Root in Songshan Lake

Time:2017-03-07 12:03:12


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Recently the 2017 Dongguan Biotechnology Industry Association Entrepreneur Exchange🗹 was held in Songshan Lake. A core area of the Cross-Str♑aits Biotech Industry Cooperation Base, Songshan Lake High-tech Zone has drawn over 200 biotech enterprises and become the most important cluster of biotech industry in Dongguan.

Since the implementation of the biotech development model featuring government leadership and corporate operation in 2012, Songshan Lake has established the “4+1” industry development strategy to upgrade the development of biotech industry to a strategic development level. It’s proposed that the Cross-Straits Biotech Industry Cooperation Base is to be centered on t𝔉o develop biopharmaceuticals, medical instruments and equipment, base on the development and manufacturing of innoꦰvative drugs, and foster proprietary and branded innovative products.

Over the past four years, Songshan Lake has be𒅌en registered with over 200 biotech enterprises, including such leading enterprises as HEC Pharm, 3Sbio Inc., Capital Bio and Shine Nature. Integrating pha🎀rmaceutical chemicals, bio-pharmaceuticals, biological products, Chinese patent medicines, medical equipment and type III medical technology, the biotech industry chain has been preliminarily formed.

President Song Tao of Dongguan Biotechnology Industry Association revealed that the clustering effect of the High-tech Zone gathering leading enterprises in respective segments has started to show. Promoted by favorable poli💦cies, the biotech industry is expected to become the nex🐲t pillar industry of Dongguan in the next 10 to 15 years.

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