
Dongguan songshan lake (ecological park) Hong Kong and macau youth talent innovation and entrepreneurship special fund management interim measures

Time:2017-05-22 15:54:01


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  Chapter I general rules  Article 1 for the purpose of regulating the songshan lake (ecological) (hereinafter referred to as the zone) of Hong Kong and Macao youth entrepreneurial talent innovation management of special funds (hereinafter referred to as "special funds"), improve the performance of using park financial capital play a maximum financial fund to support innovation business park in Hong Kong and Macao young talents, on the basis of national, provincial and municipal relevant laws and regulations and the relevant regulations, combining the reality of park, these procedures are formulated.  Article 2 special funds shall be allocated to the development funds of talents in the development of the national independent innovation demonstration zone of dongguan songshan lake (ecological park), and shall be included in the financial budget management of the park. Mainly used for park of Hong Kong and Macao young talents of innovative entrepreneurial project startup funding, office space and housing rent subsidy, training, and the subsidies, discount loans, entrepreneurship and venture investment institutions in Hong Kong and Macao youth talent innovation project investment subsidies and other spending.  Article 3 the business department of special funds shall be the office of talent for the park. The park personnel bureau and other relevant business departments shall cooperate in implementing the measures in accordance with the department's responsibilities and relevant regulations of the park management committee.  Chapter ii applicable scope, conditions and standards  Article 4 the Hong Kong and Macao young people's innovation and entrepreneurship programs that declare special funds shall meet the following requirements:  (1) the establishment of innovative and entrepreneurial projects as the core according to law, the business, taxation and statistical relations are all independent legal persons in the park;  (2) under the age of 45 (inclusive) of the founder of the enterprise, the Hong Kong or Australian citizenship, and the total shareholding of the Hong Kong or Australian people in the registered enterprise shareholders is more than 50%;  (3) belong to the dongguan songshan lake (ecological) industry development planning (2016-2025) "dominate the development of industries, including high-end electronic information industry, biotechnology industry, robot and intelligent equipment industry, new energy industry and financial and cultural creativity in science and technology, the Internet and electronic commerce, software and information service, service outsourcing, and other modern service industry)。 And other industrial areas supported by the park management committee.  Article 5 the venture capital institutions that declare special funds shall meet the following conditions:  (1) the business, taxation and statistical relations are all independent legal entities within the park;  (2) the investment object shall be the innovation and entrepreneurship project for young people in Hong Kong and Macao in accordance with article 4 of these measures.  Article 6 special funds shall not be supported in any of the following circumstances:  (1) providing false materials during the declaration;  (2) projects that declare projects that have a negative impact on the environment, such as large, labor-intensive, and other non-industrial parks;  (3) the Hong Kong or Australian citizenship personnel who apply for the project startup team are not members of the core team and have not undertaken the core important work;  (four) return units or unit principal, the project leader received criminal punishment in recent five years, or for violating the relevant laws and regulations on finance, industry and commerce, taxation, labor administration major punishment under three years; If a person is suspected of violating the relevant laws and regulations and is under investigation, he may temporarily reserve the qualification for application and sponsorship, depending on the official processing result and the relevant provisions shall be dealt with;  (5) the principal responsible person or project leader of the reporting unit or the reporting unit has a bad credit record or a financial arrears; Those who have had serious misbehavior such as taxes, unpaid wages, arrears or arrears;  (6) serious breach of contract in the enjoyment of government financial aid at all levels;  (7) failing to submit statistical reports to the statistics department of the park according to regulations;  (8) other cases where the administrative committee of the park shall, according to law, should not grant funds.  Article 7 in accordance with the requirements specified in way of the Hong Kong and Macao young innovative entrepreneurial talent to the park to start a business, through project expert review (see annex 1.1 "expert evaluation scale"), the more comprehensive score 50 points (including 50 points) startup of projects for funding; Office space and housing rental subsidies; Enterprise training and participation subsidy; Loan interest subsidy. A comprehensive score of 50 points below will not be funded.  Article 8 start-up capital funds. According to the different grades, the start-up capital of RMB 200,000 can be funded. Each startup can only declare a start-up fund.  The amount of subsidy for each enterprise shall be determined according to the results of the experts. The total score of 80 points (including 80), and the subsidy of 200,000 yuan; Comprehensive score 70 points (including 70 points) to 80 cents, funding 150,000 yuan; A comprehensive score of 60 points (60 points) to 70 points and a subsidy of 100,000 yuan; A comprehensive score of 50 points (50 points) to 60 points, with a subsidy of 50,000 yuan.  Article 9 office space and housing rent subsidy. Hong Kong and Macao young innovative entrepreneurial talent to the park to start a business, its actual lease office space in principle can enjoy 2 years within the area of no more than 100 square meters, the rent price per unit area of no more than 45 yuan/square meters of office space rent subsidies. Project team, Hong Kong or AoMenJi senior supervisor or core r&d team members, rental housing, each person can enjoy 2 years actual lease area less than 60 square meters, the total will not exceed 1800 yuan monthly rent subsidy, in principle, each project personnel with the housing rent subsidy amount not more than three people.  Article 10 enterprise training and participation subsidy. For Hong Kong and Macao youth entrepreneurial enterprises to participate in by all levels of education or for examination and approval of the competent administrative department, human resources education training institutions established in accordance with the organization of training innovative undertaking and identified as giving training funds 20%, less than 50000 yuan of subsidies every year. By the park management committee approved or in park management committee for the record, and social institutions, organizations of Hong Kong and Macao youth entrepreneurial enterprises to participate in domestic and foreign well-known industry exhibition, provide exhibitors exhibition funds 20%, less than 50000 yuan of subsidies every year. The scope of the participation subsidy is the booth fee, booth decoration fee and conference registration fee (2 persons per unit)。  Article 11 loan discount. To obtain loans to financial institutions in Hong Kong and Macao youth entrepreneurship programs, according to the enterprise actual pay 70% of the interest on loan interest subsidies for verification, each enterprise interest subsidies of up to 1 million yuan a year, subsidy term less than two years. The same enterprise (project) can only apply for the same loan application loan for each year.  Article 12 investment subsidies. For venture investment institutions to invest in park of Hong Kong and Macao young talents of innovative entrepreneurial project, according to the annual 10% of investment subsidies for actual investment, single for Hong Kong and Macao youth talent innovation of venture project investment subsidies is highest do not exceed 500000 yuan, the same agencies annual total investment subsidies is highest do not exceed 1 million yuan.  Article 13 the same project during enjoy this way to support, has enjoyed (or) at the same time enjoy the national, provincial, municipal financial assistance or other special funding for the park, in accordance with the principle of "from high not repeat" balance part is funded.

  Chapter iii capital application and examination and approval  Article 14 the projects funded by this method shall be reviewed by the experts of the Hong Kong and Macao youth talent innovation and entrepreneurship program. The project expert review will be carried out by the industry investment promotion department in the phase of investment promotion, and the examination and evaluation of the project will be carried out in the same period. In the process of investment promotion, the carrier should inform the project team (or enterprise) to apply for the project expert review by itself to the investment department of various industries. The "four new" economic and mixed economic projects, in the main economic type of industry, to the industrial investment promotion department application.  The project expert review will be organized by various industry investment promotion departments according to the business procedures. The review team consists of no less than three experts, of which no less than two thirds are outside experts. The project expert review will adopt the method of field inquiry and defense. All the key members of the startup team that declare the venture will have to attend, introduce and defend the project. After the review panel is completed, the average score, review opinion and signature of the project should be completed in the "expert review opinion form" (see annex 1.1)。  In the process of investment promotion, the project that does not apply for review shall, before applying for the special fund, apply for the evaluation of the youth talent innovation and entrepreneurship program of Hong Kong and Macao by itself. When filing in a special fund, the project team (or business) with the original evaluation content of the project (including the direction of the core members of our team, technology, industry, etc.) a major change, declare unit should apply again for review.  The results of the project experts shall be in three copies, one shall be filed by the industry merchants department, and the two copies shall be retained and declared by the declared entity.  Article 15 report materials for project review (triplicate) :  1. Dongguan songshan lake (ecological park) Hong Kong and macau youth talent innovation and entrepreneurship project review application form (see annex 1.1);  2. Photocopy of business license (original);  Copies of valid identification documents, such as the "return home card", passport, id card and other valid identification documents of the project start-up team members.  The certificate of the shareholder's identity certificate which is issued by the municipal administration of industry and commerce and has a special chapter for the inquiry, which shall be noted for the capital contribution or shareholding ratio;  5. A copy of the certification documents of the project start-up team member, professional technical title, etc.;  6. Copy of the patent certificate (if any);  7. Innovation and entrepreneurship project plan. Including main shareholders, research and development team, organizational structure, partners, the company business strategy, market, income (profit) model, financial planning and financing plan, risk control, showing the characteristics of innovative entrepreneurial project mainly related content.  Article 16 to apply for special funds, acceptance and approval, in batches, in January each year, quarterly, April, July and October (hereinafter referred to as the "work") by the bureau to organize the implementation of talent work. Notification (or guidance) of the notification (or guide) of the first week of each working month is posted on the park's website (www.ssl.gov.cn)。  Article 17. Special fund declaration materials (triplicate) :  (1) to declare start-up capital funds, the following materials shall be submitted:  "Dongguan songshan lake (ecological park) Hong Kong and Macao youth talent innovation enterprise fund application form" (see annex 1.2);  2. "dongguan songshan lake (ecological park) Hong Kong and macau youth talent innovation and entrepreneurship project review application form" (one copy, two copies)。  (2) to declare office space rental allowance shall be submitted to the following materials:  1. "dongguan songshan lake (ecological park) Hong Kong and macau youth talent innovation and entrepreneurship special fund application form";  2. Dongguan songshan lake (ecological park) Hong Kong and macau youth talent innovation and entrepreneurship project review application form (one copy, two copies);  3. Copy of the lease agreement of the enterprise operating office space (the original);  Proof of the normal operation of the business premises issued by the landlord;  5. Photocopy of the rent payment voucher (bank slip) and regular invoices, etc.  (3) the application for the housing rental subsidy shall be submitted to the following materials:  1. "dongguan songshan lake (ecological park) Hong Kong and macau youth talent innovation and entrepreneurship special fund application form";  2. Dongguan songshan lake (ecological park) Hong Kong and macau youth talent innovation and entrepreneurship project review application form (one copy, two copies);  A copy of the valid identification document (the original) of the Hong Kong and Macao residents who have declared the application of the housing rental subsidy.  4. A copy of the housing lease agreement for the housing rent subsidy (original);  5. A copy of the rent payment voucher (bank slip) of the person (or company)。  (4) the application for training subsidy shall be submitted to the following materials:  1. "dongguan songshan lake (ecological park) Hong Kong and macau youth talent innovation and entrepreneurship special fund application form";  2. Dongguan songshan lake (ecological park) Hong Kong and macau youth talent innovation and entrepreneurship project review application form (one copy, two copies);  3. Copy of the training notice and training expense invoice (the original);  4. Photocopies of relevant on-site certificates for training, such as meeting materials and venue photos, etc.  (5) the following materials shall be submitted for the submission of the subsidy:  1. "dongguan songshan lake (ecological park) Hong Kong and macau youth talent innovation and entrepreneurship special fund application form";  2. Dongguan songshan lake (ecological park) Hong Kong and macau youth talent innovation and entrepreneurship project review application form (one copy, two copies);  3. Photocopy of the contract and expense invoice (original);  4. Photocopy of the conference registration fee (if any)。  5. Photocopies of relevant on-site documents, such as photos of the exhibition (including booth), photos of business negotiations, signing and so on.  (6) the declaration of the loan shall be submitted to the following materials:  1. "dongguan songshan lake (ecological park) Hong Kong and macau youth talent innovation and entrepreneurship special fund application form";  2. Dongguan songshan lake (ecological park) Hong Kong and macau youth talent innovation and entrepreneurship project review application form (one copy, two copies);  Copies of loan contracts signed by enterprises and financial institutions (original);  4. Effective certificate of bank lending to enterprises;  5. Effective proof of the interest of the enterprise to pay the loan.  (7) the declaration of investment subsidy shall be submitted to the following materials:  1. Dongguan songshan lake (ecological park) Hong Kong and macau youth talent innovation and entrepreneurship project assessment application form;  2. Copy of business license of venture capital institution (original);  3. A copy of the investment agreement signed by the venture capital institution and the Hong Kong and macau youth talent innovation team (or enterprise);  4. Photocopy of legal representative of venture capital institution (original);  5. Effective certification of investment bank transfer by venture capital institutions to young people in Hong Kong and Macao.  6. All materials required to be submitted in the second paragraph of article 2 of this article submitted by the Hong Kong and Macao youth talent innovation and entrepreneurship project to venture capital institutions;  Declare special funds at the same time a number of funding, the dongguan songshan lake (ecological) Hong Kong and Macao youth talent innovation entrepreneurship special fund application form "and" dongguan songshan lake (ecological) Hong Kong and Macao youth entrepreneurial talent innovation project review application form "simply submit 1 set.  Article 18 the units in charge of the declaration according to the provisions of article 17 of these measures, the filing materials within the prescribed time, all the park service personnel bureau songshan lake civic center on the first floor front desk business to deal with human resources bureau window (tel: 22892062)。 The talent office of the park receives all the declaration materials, which is regarded as formal acceptance. Park personnel bureau within 5 working days from the date of formal acceptance (holidays and weekends postpone, same below), in accordance with the provisions of chapter 2 of these procedures to declare materials, as well as the dongguan songshan lake (ecological) Hong Kong and Macao youth talent innovation entrepreneurship special fund application form "and" dongguan songshan lake (ecological) Hong Kong and Macao youth entrepreneurial talent innovation project review application form content consistency of preliminary examination, and issue a preliminary examination opinion. If the declaration material does not comply with the relevant provisions, the preliminary examination opinion will be notified to the declared unit within 3 working days after the initial judgment is formed. The preliminary review includes the approval, return, correction, supplement, etc., and the application for the return of the opinion is not re-declared for the same project. After receiving the notification, the reporting unit may, within 3 working days, make corrections and additions to the declared materials, and re-submit the declaration materials, which shall be deemed to be re-declared. After correction and supplement still do not meet the relevant regulations, the park personnel bureau shall return the application materials, and the same project shall not be re-declared in this batch. After the application is officially accepted by the talent office of the park, more than 8 working days have not received the preliminary review, which shall be regarded as the preliminary examination of the declaration material.  Article 19 in the last week of each working month, the talent bureau of the park will make public announcements on the approved projects on the website of songshan lake (ecological park)。 The public notice period is 7 days. During the period (including the duration of the whole project), any organization or individual may, if any, object to the contents of the public display, or complain to the staff of the park. The complaint shall be submitted with a statement of the name of the company (company name and seal or photocopy of his or her personal name and id card) and evidence supporting the objection. Park personnel bureau in society reflected or complaint within 5 working days from the date of the relevant information to verify, processing, and to verify the results and process to reflect complaints or make a public response. If the reasons for the complaint or complaint are valid, the board of personnel of the park shall reissue the review and notify the declared unit within 5 working days.  Article 20 for public meetings and social reflect or complaints of as reason not to declare project, established by the personnel bureau in charge of the leadership, step by step a concentrated by batch and party and government for examination and approval of the joint chiefs of staff. After the approval of the joint meeting of the party and the government, the bureau will give the approval to the declaration unit within 5 working days.  Chapter iv capital execution and administration  Article 21 gets funding from startup funds to declare units in the first 7 months, submit to the park personnel bureau the dongguan songshan lake (ecological) Hong Kong and Macao youth entrepreneurial talent innovation project start-up funding use check list report "(see annex 1.3), truthfully declare the usage of funds. In case of any doubt about the use of funds, the office of personnel of the park shall have the right to require the reporting unit to submit the corresponding original documents for detailed verification. The bureau will determine the disbursement of follow-up funds according to the results of the self-examination report. Within a month after the execution of the project, the report shall submit the project execution summary to the park personnel bureau. The staff of the park personnel bureau or organization shall examine the self-report and summary. If the project execution summary is not submitted, the application of various supporting policies in the park shall be cancelled.  Article 22 the disbursement process:  (a) to apply for the unit after receiving reply within a week, according to the order of reply, submit to the park personnel bureau (ecological) dongguan songshan lake national independent innovation demonstration zone development special funds grant application form "(see annex 1.4), apply for funding. During various funding to enjoy special funds, to declare the unit on the same project similar items to declare and get at the municipal level and above policy support, should be in front of the park next subsidies, submit to the park personnel bureau approval documents, and in dongguan songshan lake (ecological) national independent innovation demonstration zone development special funds grant application form "grants" column in the annotations and automatic deductions.  (2) the personnel bureau of dongguan songshan lake (ecological) national independent innovation demonstration zone development special funds grant application form is added audit opinion, unit director, in charge of the leadership signature after approval by the park finance bureau.  (3) the park according to the finance bureau approval opinion and approval by the dongguan songshan lake (ecological) national independent innovation demonstration zone development special funds grant application form ", as well as the payment method stipulated exhausting, grant formalities.  Article 23 payment method:  (1) the start-up capital shall determine the specific funding amount of each project according to the expert score, and shall be paid in two terms in principle. Pay 70% of the total amount of the funding for the first time, the first to grant zhang six months and project start-up team to submit the dongguan songshan lake (ecological) Hong Kong and Macao youth entrepreneurial talent innovation project startup funding use inspection report after pay the balance 30%.  (2) the office space and the housing rental subsidy shall be paid in a lump sum and shall be paid in a lump sum according to the approval quota.  The subsidy period shall be calculated from the actual payment date after the lease contract becomes effective. Late fees and management fees shall not be covered by the subsidy. The time of payment for each batch of subsidized rent shall be one month prior to the date of the application. The first payment of less than 3 months shall be made in the next batch of declarations; If the rent is paid in advance, the pre-paid part does not subsidize the rent. Where the declared enterprise does not work at the leasing site for a month, and the application unit (including the housing) sublets, sublets, does not give the rent subsidy.  Office space rent subsidies to declare unit declare after approved, for the first time in two years' period, each submit the dongguan songshan lake (ecological) national independent innovation demonstration zone development special funds grant application form ", by notification batches within the time limit for the office space rent payment receipt (bank receipt) and normal (check the original), copy of invoice and other related, and the owner in the original office address is normal business certificates, or unit commitment (commitment to this unit at the site operating normally, no sublet, without any conditions), according to the batch to park personnel bureau application.  Housing rental declare unit declare after approved, for the first time in two years' period, each submit the dongguan songshan lake (ecological) national independent innovation demonstration zone development special funds grant application form ", by filing batches within the time limit of housing rental payment voucher copy (bank receipt) (check the original), and the owner issued in the original address normal living proof that rent a house, or personal commitment (commitment by oneself live, no sublet, hire), according to the batch to park personnel bureau application.  (3) the training subsidy, the participation subsidy and the loan discount shall be in the form of "post-mortem reimbursement" and shall be paid in lump sum according to the approval quota.  (iv) investment subsidy shall be paid in lump sum according to the approved quota.  In the above paragraph, "dongguan songshan lake (ecological park) national independent innovation demonstration zone development special fund allocation application form" only needs to submit one set.  Article 24 the reporting unit shall make a good accounting of the financial aid funds for projects that are funded by start-up capital of this method.  Declaration shall be in strict accordance with the accounting system and accounting standards make the accounting treatment of financial aid funds, the implementation of the accounting management system, for each funded project expenses incurred on spending, in principle, shall establish auxiliary subsidiary ledger timely, and have separate accounting, to ensure the project please check and accept financial when can provide real, legal and complete accounting information.  Declaration shall be in strict accordance with the project project capital spending scope stipulated by the contract and relevant standards, do a good job in project investment budget accounting, the costs of all kinds of expenditure proportion shall be implemented strictly in accordance with the provisions of the project contract, are strictly prohibited projects to undertake units will be related to the project implementation is not business, administrative management, office expenses, equipment assets purchase expense, donations and sponsorship in project investment budget accounting scope.  Reporting unit should standardize management of the project funding to pay, for single amount more than $10000 in funding, settlements must be made by bank transfer, otherwise will not be included in the project investment accounting scope.

  Chapter v punishment  Article 25 in the use and management of special funds for work, any of the following circumstances, in accordance with the principle "who supervises, who is in charge of", the directly responsible or leadership, head of the department and related agent such as accountability:  (I) due to the lax inspection, the applicant who does not qualify for the declaration shall be eligible for examination and final grant of special funds;  (2) failing to strictly implement the public display system for special funds;  (3) appropriation of funds in violation of relevant provisions of special fund management;  (4) there are other ACTS that violate the laws and regulations of the state, causing major losses or major negative effects of special funds to be held accountable.  Article 26 the methods of accountability are mainly divided into: the following shall be made by the public, the public shall be ordered to apologize, the suspension of the examination shall be ordered, the resignation shall be ordered, the resignation shall be ordered and the dismissal shall be ordered. The details are as follows:  (1) if the special funds have caused economic losses of less than 100,000 yuan, the direct responsible person shall be encouraged to speak or report the criticism.  (2) where a special fund has resulted in a loss of more than 100,000 yuan (including 100,000 yuan) and economic losses of less than 1 million yuan, the person directly responsible shall be ordered to make a public apology or suspension examination; To be responsible for the main leadership and to give a talk or to report criticism.  (3) where a special fund has caused economic losses of more than 1 million yuan (including 1 million yuan), the person who is directly responsible shall resign or be ordered to resign or be removed from office; To issue a public apology or suspension examination to the principal responsible person; Speak or report criticism to the person responsible for the important leadership.  Article 27 in the use and management of special funds, is honest to discipline, abusing authority, dereliction of duty, practice favoritism, or intercept or misappropriate, crowding, corruption, pocketing a special fund, or other violation of laws and regulations, the relevant responsible person depending on the seriousness of CPC party disciplines disposition, suspected of a crime, move send a judiciary processing.  Article 28 cases through the reports, complaints, auditing, investigation or other way to find clues to accountability, according to the cadre management authority, led by park supervisory audit department, together with the organization and personnel departments and relevant departments to set up a joint investigation, accountability investigation work, recommending the accountability, after the examination and approval of the park in charge of the leadership to management committee for examination and approval. After the proposal is approved by the park administrative committee, the audit and personnel departments shall conduct relevant matters according to relevant regulations.  Article 29 the competent department of business administration shall order the competent departments of the project to rectify the situation within a prescribed time limit. Rectification is less than or not according to the requirements for rectification, the competent business department timely notify park finance bureau subtract, stop the allocated special funds or recovered by the competent department of the business has allocated special funds to:  (1) changing the main construction contents and construction standards of the project without authorization;  (2) failing to standardize the payment management and management of the project funds according to the requirements, resulting in the failure to prove the authenticity of the expenditure;  (3) transfer, special appropriation or misappropriate funds (reward, discount loans except money, rent subsidies, etc), will be spending that has nothing to do with the project content included in project investment budget accounting scope;  (4) failure of the project organization to implement or complete the construction of the project without due cause, which may cause adverse effects or losses;  (5) other ACTS that violate the relevant provisions of the state laws and regulations and the special funds policies of the state, province, city or park.  Article 30 a funded project to undertake unit has one of the following ACTS, is verified, the competent business department notify appropriate financial aid funds to stop zone finance bureau, and recovered has allocated financial aid funds, on the basis of the financial crime punishment punishment ordinance (state council order no. 427), to the project units are being defraud on more than 10% of the fund, impose a fine of less than 50%, or misuse the funds more than 10%, impose a fine of less than 30% of the cancelled project responsible for unit 3 years to declare financial aid funds, and requested the seriousness or handed over to the relevant agencies shall be pursued in accordance with the relevant responsible persons of the administrative or legal responsibility:  (1) providing false information and vouchers to defraud financial funds;  (2) to defraud financial aid funds by accounting for bills that are not in conformity with actual expenditures;  (3) to keep multiple accounts of the same expense and to defraud financial aid funds in different projects;  (4) for projects that have received funding from the relevant departments of the state, provincial and municipal governments, and have obtained the financial supporting projects of the park, and once more apply for the park's approval.  Article 31 to participate in this special fund project review, review and acceptance, the performance evaluation of third party intermediary institutions and experts major fault and the violation behavior, according to the following ways:  (a) fraud in the process of evaluation, practice favoritism, or put forward major problems in the assessment or obvious errors and inaccuracies, visible the seriousness, in the name of the park management committee give notification criticism, disqualified from carrying funded projects evaluation and recommend relevant departments of the lower level of qualification penalty, and take appropriate way to publish to the society.  (2) if a person is suspected of committing a crime, the judicial authorities shall, in accordance with law, investigate the criminal responsibility of the person concerned; The expert of the review shall be treated according to the relevant provisions of the expert review and management method of the "dongguan" technology dongguan project.  Chapter vi supplementary provisions  Article 32 the relevant provisions of these measures with the current laws, regulations and other normative documents if there is any conflict, if no special instructions, should with host law and policy level higher file contents shall prevail. If there is a conflict with the relevant normative documents established by the park, the method shall prevail.  Article 33 this method shall be interpreted by the personnel bureau of the park.  Article 34 these measures shall enter into force as of the date of promulgation, and shall be valid from the date of promulgation until December 31, 2018.  Annex 1.1. Application form for the assessment of youth talent innovation and entrepreneurship in dongguan songshan lake (ecological park);  1.2. Application for innovation and entrepreneurship of young talents of Hong Kong and macau in dongguan songshan lake (ecological park);  1.3. Dongguan songshan lake (ecological park) Hong Kong and macau youth talent innovation and entrepreneurship project start-up funding for the use of self-inspection report;  1.4. An application form for development of the national independent innovation demonstration zone of dongguan songshan lake (ecological park)。

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